Thursday, March 13, 2025

TSC To Promote 51,000 Teachers As KUPPET Calls Off Strike

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced plans to promote 51,000 teachers following a strike that ended on Monday after one week.

However, this will be less than a half of the 130,000 tutors that unions were pushing for.

The announcement was made after a meeting on Monday between officials of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) and the TSC.

During the meeting, Kuppet secretary general Akelo Misori and TSC chief executive Nancy Macharia confirmed the suspension of the strike, citing ongoing discussions to address teachers’ grievances.

Mr Misori highlighted that the collective bargaining agreement had been honoured, medical cover restored, and TSC was seeking funds to promote teachers.

Kuppet and the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut), a sister organisation that mostly represents primary school teachers, went separate ways as the latter dropped plans to go on strike, saying the TSC had honoured some of their demands.

Teachers have been irked by endless promotlion interviews that bear no fruit, leading to low morale that likely give students, parents and guardians a raw deal.

The Kuppet strike meant a low-key reopening of schools on August 26 during a short term of two months and national examinations, namely the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education test.

When calling off the strike, the Kuppet official also mentioned ongoing discussions about confirming teachers in acting positions.

Kuppet has reiterated that they want their members promoted, a step that comes with improved pay and other perks.

Nonetheless, promoted teachers have been ending up with a drop in the ocean for the pay enhancement.

In the latest reviews, the least paid teacher on Job Group B5 will be paid Sh23,830 from Sh22,793 for basic pay, a raise of slightly more than Sh1,000.

Chief principals on D5, the highest grade, will get a basic salary raise to Sh135,436 from Sh131,380.

The TSC has begun reviewing the Career Progression Guidelines to better address the long list of concerns the tutors have presented to their employer.

TSC chief executive Nancy Macharia emphasised the Commission’s commitment to improving teachers’ welfare.

“We are dedicated to ensuring the well-being of our teachers and providing them with the necessary resources to deliver quality education,” Ms Macharia said, stressing the need for working together to give the learners the much needed attention.

“We recognise the hard work of our teachers, and we met with the unions because the education of our children is of utmost importance,” she added, noting that the TSC is committed to helping students make up for the time lost during the strike.

Mr Misori assured teachers that those who participated in the strike would not  be victimised or punished, taking the well-known path since the workers argue going on strike is legal labour dispute resolution tool.

By Aplain 

Kendrick Blair
Kendrick Blair
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